Sunday, January 28, 2007

2 days....

Unbelievable. Apparently I am terrible at being unemployed and have still managed to wait until the last minute to actually pack things. Sure, I've shopped, ran around REI with a pack on my back and getting unbelievably excited about things like microfiber towels.

I have bid a fond farewell to my high heels, long showers, and endless time to devote to reruns of "Arrested Development".

But with two days to go, the idea of being in Americorps is finally real. I've begun the process of saying my goodbyes, of copying down addresses and not telling my parents how many things I've managed to lose over the past few months.

The strangest part of the whole process has been the reactions of everyone else regarding my going. I have been so fortunate to have so much support behind me--everyone is thrilled that I'm doing such an adventurous thing. But with such high expectations, of course, comes the fear that perhaps the experience will not be all I've anticipated. I've found that whenever I've gone into a situation EXPECTING something (abroad in London, college in Ohio, Israel) the event isn't anywhere near what I've imagined.

So the challenge falls on me. To be true to myself and be aware of the yin and yang of each opportunity, that in order for the good to seem spectacular I must also experience the sadness, anger, and frustration.

Whatever this journey will bring, I'm ready.

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