Friday, February 16, 2007

Food bank! The first service project

Tues, Feb 6th

Finally, no more classes and seminars!

Today we headed out for our very first service project. The Fire Unit, consisting of about 70 CMs (Corps Members) and 8 TLs (Team Leaders) walked into what I like to call the Costco of food banks. This thing was HUGE. Room after room after room of huge packaged food. The warehouse was centered around the volunteer area where we could eat, break, and work our little fingers to the bone.

We all lined up around a giant roller belt and began making, packing,and sealing boxes of food for seniors and families with young children. I stood at the head of the line, taking the empty boxes and putting in two economy size cornflake boxes and sending them down to be loaded with veggies, milk, beans, rice, etc. About 4 fours into the project, I reached down for my millionth corn flake box and felt a tear in the small of my back.

Leave it to me to get injured on the first service project. Lifting CORN FLAKES.

I switched over to the less challenging station of canned green beans and have sadly been recovering from my back injury ever since. By the way, there are too many people who insist they can crack a back. Or fix it. This, I have learned, is not entirely true. After visiting the doctor, who told me to take advil, I'm heading straight to a pro. To the masseuse!

On a more concrete note, it was amazing actually working and seeing everyone's dynamics and work ethics as we manual labored ourselves for the day. I totally felt like Lucy in that episode of "I Love Lucy" where she and Ethel go and work in the chocolate factory. Only I had corn flakes. And no hairnet. And I injured myself. But besides that, it was great fun and I'm sure much more rewarding than any bonbon.

Bring on the service!

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