Friday, February 16, 2007

I Heart Denver

Ok, so it really doesn't stop snowing. And my long underwear is certainly coming in handy daily. But really, truly Denver is a very cool city. Each meal I'm greeted by a spectacular veiw of the Rockies, which helps to make the food more...edible.

We headed downtown during out first team's training to check out the city. Imagine everything you could want. Now put it on a single street. Welcome to 16th street mall. A great stretch of highway with free shuttles that will bring you everywhere from the Public Library to brunch served by drag queens to a three story worn in bookshop/bakery called Tattered Pages which I've quickly adopted as my downtown home.

Everyone that I've met has been out of their way friendly. Bus drivers, people on the buses,'s quite a change from the DC metro system.

One thing that I will say Denver needs to get a hold on:the cab system. After waiting for not one, not two, but THREE hours for a cab until 4am in the blistering cold outside of what I believe is the only Wal-Mart not open 24/7, my friends and I FINALLY got a cab our first Saturday night out. And by cab, I mean an old car with towels over the appolstory and bobble head dolls of both Jesus and Buddah whom you payed "whatever."

Every day is an adventure.

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