Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I am the Queen...

of getting hurt in the most random ways.

Last night, for PT (Physical Training) we decided as a team to play kickball. But not just any kickball on some lame field, but obstacle indoor kickball. Half the gym is sectioned off by a large blue FEMA tarp and filled with such things as a basketball net, lounge area, drywall demonstration area, fridge of cold water bottles and of course, a recycling center.

No matter, we play anyway.

I'm up to kick.

The bases are loaded.

Ryan's at 1st, the water fridge.

Desi at 2nd, the red line on the floor

Carlo on 3rd, the "A" painted on the blue FEMA tarp.

And the pitch--

It's a kick!!

I race towards first, diving forwards with my hands reaching for the fridge.

My hand grips the corner of the fridge, crashing into it.

It hurts. A lot.

I begin to whimper, not wanting to show my teammates that I am, indeed, a wimp.

A chorus of "Are you okay"s follow me as I motion "one minute" and, clutching my hand and stiflying my sobs, retreat to the women's restroom where I proceed to run cold water over my throbbing hand.

20 minutes later, plus a quick trip to the kitchen, I return to the game with red eyes plus a kitchen towel wrapped around a bag of ice.

But in the face of my teammates, I must "SUCK IT UP!" and be a trooper.

I play the rest of the game one-handed.
and only missed one catch due to looking at my swollen hand)

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